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​INSERCH Internship offered annually provides students a valuable opportunity to work with a team of passionate environment and heritage conservation academicians and activists whose work spans over conferences, projects and publications. We have been working with students and being a group of University teachers are capable of value addition in research methodology, communication skills, leadership skills and career counselling. The duration of internship is 3 months. It is flexible and stress free. Students have the option to work with RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION division, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT division or MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION division. The Internship commences with a FOUNDATION MODULE, followed by Fieldwork and Project Submission. At the successful completion of the internship upon fulfilment of predetermined goals, INSERCH
INTERNSHIP certificate is awarded to the intern.


​​INSERCH Internship was offered to 9 students. 3 students worked with each of the three divisions. The Internship resulted in hands-on learning for students in research and writing of papers, development and implementation of field projects and devising and managing strategies of multi-medial communication related to environment and heritage issues and organisations. The Foundation Module covered topics related to environment and heritage, academic writing and leadership skills and report writing and research methodology. Each intern worked with academic and field specialist team through a highly interactive hand-holding process. Following pre-set goals and timelines, the final submissions and presentations led to the award of internship cerificates at the end of the three months of internships.

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